Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Bunny and Courtney Feedback 2/5

Hey guys,
       Here's the feedback we got on the boards.
I didn't post the boards here because there are over 150 of them, but they are on the server in the 118B class folder.

Hi Keith,
Much better. Go over them again. 
1. Superimpose the bedroom wall over the house as you truck in--for the opening scenes.
2. Make a more dramatic change in the hair for the first style
3. Make is clear how the little sister is levitating.
4. Make more clever choices with the make-up as little sister takes control. Think Lady Gaga or Katy Perry…even try a riff off that for the audience.

The character designs are much improved. But if you get the boards REALLY nailed down, you can produce an animatic from them and make life a lot easier.

We'll take a look on Friday and hopefully you will be ready to go. Think Purse-a-tronic for how nailed down they have to be.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Keith, I showed the storyboards to some people, one that hasn't seen it in a while and the other has heard of it but never seen the boards, and these are some of their notes.

    -For the UI, to suggest more options there could be arrows above the selections and below selections
    -Jessica hovering is unclear, maybe add more frames or at bottom put *sfx hover shoes (they both thought she moved away in perspective, they also suggested taking out the couch)
    -some of the facial expressions are unclear, looks angry during lips selection, can squint eyes during that part
    -Jessica's head is a little "watermelony" or maybe make her a little smaller compared to debra in the boards
    -girls don't run like that (when doorbell rings)
    -in some of the frames her hair looks like ears and she looks like a boy
    -during credits you can show the outcome of Deb's make-up (was curious about how it turns out)
