Sunday, February 16, 2014

Animatic 2/16

Hey Guys,
       At the animation meeting today we tightened up the timing for the animatic.
I think it works better and you (the animators) can go ahead and use it as a reference for how long you have to animate your shot. It may be subject to change slightly before all is said and done (as in any production). But this is the basis:

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome!! I loved the ways you spruced up the gags and how economical the shots are. Man I want to animate on this!!!!
    A thought to spice it up even more would be on Debra's dialogue. After her date night is ruined and says "Jessica" for the last time, I think it should be more like "JESSICA!!!!" like an older sibling would scream to the thorn in their side that is their younger sibling. (I can relate to both sides of this story now which I think is amazing!!)
    Keep it up team!!
