Saturday, February 1, 2014

UI Main Screen

Here's How the main UI menu layout will look (minus AE filters). I didn't realize until I started building it but the way it sits around the mirror, it kinda looks like a girl and the UI is her hair (which I think totally works for this product), so I used the shape in the profile screen icon. I was thinking that this (the profile icon minus the lower "chest" semicircle) could be the logo for this product, and maybe be engraved on the corner of the screen or on the frame parts.
A suggestion was made to make the holograms come out from the frame pieces that slide around the mirror. I suggest that we add something at the corners to show that the holograms are indeed being projected from them. I've given example pics for where they should go. Lemme know what you guys think!


  1. Hi Nick! I love the 3D model and animation! I'm not sure about the two circles though.. I think it would still make sense without them..

  2. This is really on the right track! We'll have to decide which icons are necessary/unnecessary and how far the planes project in front of the screen, etc.
    I think we can afford to lose some of the extraneous options and still make it a convincing looking machine/UI. Great work! I'm excited!

  3. Lookin good!
    Though that Home button is pretty huge, and I'm not sure if we need that top row at all. It could be convincing without it. Like how so many phones these days have dual use buttons? Home/Off/Enter is a common button these days, so I don't think we need both. And save could simply be a flick of the wrist down or something, it's the future! Probably it'd look strange to see the same "floppy disk" save icon in a futuristic setting.
    Other than that it's really nice, shapes and size relationship are good. I'm neutral about those circles on the base, looks fine to we with or without.

  4. This is off to a great start man! Keep it up.
    I don't know how the rest of you all might feel about this but, I think the icons could be pushed to feel more fashion forward and future-ie more. Is it possible to have subtle loops with the space the icons are in? I think it would be cool if the screens had some kind of active feed on them showcasing what that button did. For example, the lipstick-coloring button could have a super subtle pair of lips scrolling from right to left and fade from one kind of lips to another.
    I may be in my own head here, (i often am) but my impression of the vanity mirror was that it was also like a fashion magazine in that, it would offer suggestions/options of how the user could do themselves up for the day. Thought?
    Also, if the inner circle of rings goes in a clockwise circle, could the hologram button interface mimic that? I think the presentation would feel more smooth if we stuck with one way the holograms were introduced. Either clockwise or from the bottom. Personally, I vote the clockwise.
