Saturday, February 15, 2014

Quick Overview 2/15

Hey Guys!

We had a great day yesterday! Story approved! Oh yeah!

We went over our game plan, here's a quick reminder on what we should be focusing on and  to update those of you who couldn't make it yesterday.

Some notes on what Bunny and Courtney said:
The timing on the animatic needs adjusting

Debs face in the vanity needs to read clearer that its an avatar and not a reflection. We need a graphic symbol of her face, and at a lower opacity. When the vanity scans her face, have it gradually come up like it would with a scan.

In the ending it was suggested by Daichi that Bobby should just scream and not have dialogue


We are now cleaning up in Flash!
        This is a really great opportunity to learn a program that has become vital i getting into the industry. I think it will benefit the whole team (not just animators) to learn. Below (previous post) are links to the online tutorials. Please have watched them TODAY, take notes, and understand them as best you can, and come up with questions if you have any.
        Animators will be meeting on Saturday or Sunday in the early evening. This meeting is mandatory for all animators unless you have work or you're sick! Aldo will be going over the animation process for the film and helping us with Flash.

Viz Dev:

This is going to be a fun week for you guys!
      You will be exploring styles within the following guidelines. Simple, graphic, limited color, light back ground, and make the characters really pop. Look to the the style tests I posted, Bunny and the team like the direction those were going in. Look at Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends and Coles Phillips (examples below) Keep in mind this takes place in the future and design accordingly!
      We also need to see some really imaginative make up and hair explorations for Deb. these are TOP PRIORITY since the animators will need to know how to draw her. Get crazy! Think, what can't we do with hair today? And do that. We need to decide on her looks as soon as possible.

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